Light hands: Snap top edge down, lift left hand up and turn both knuckles down 10x
Second Move: Clamp, Saw and step feet to 10 o'clock. 10x
Rake Defense: Clamp, swing feet, and butt-end counter-clockwise 10x
Exits: Forward to the left, Defensive exit (pivot counterclockwise), Back door (clamp and saw upfield, the open right should and turn hips), Front Door (clamp, counter-clockwise turn, pop ball forward), Rollout (keep stick closed, roll wrists, pop behind), Through the Legs. 5x EACH
Quick - Down, Set, Whistle. Focus on breathing, anticipate, and do not go early.
25 Gbs: Roll out to yourself. Both hands - two-handed and one-handed. With one hand, adjust the hand position on the stick.